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:When passion meets work, you never feel tired at all."


"Work when everyone is working, work when everyone stops working." Compare to the others, He's not as privileged. However, he's lucky and grateful enough to do what he loves and enjoy. '


Haoyii graduated in Cinematic Arts and Technology student at Cal State University Monterey Bay. He is passionate when it comes to storytelling and he's been working towards his dream which is to become a director in the film industry since young. Other than any school projects, he enjoys working other projects outside the campus as a side project to improve his skill. Haoyii is currently working towards completing his Bachelor's degree at Cal State University Monterey Bay.



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The Process

The Begining of Filmmaking

It started as a school project where he is supposed to create sound for a video that he found online, and realize that moving images are mesmerizing and fascinating with the blending of audio and video. 


When he first started on this project, he looked at the footages multiple times and just thought of all these metaphorical sound that fits the video. 

The final piece of the film resulted in an outstanding remark from his professor, and it gave him an idea of doing sound design for filmography.  

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A New Chapter - Sound Design

Learning the Craft

After exposing to film and videos, Hao is interested in how a camera works. He begins as an assistant camera on a production set and slowly climbs towards to be a Director of Photographer in small projects. 


Aside from being a cinematographer in a production set, Haoyii takes on the role of Assistant Director too. Engaging with people and make sure all shooting schedule is on time is crucial to him. 


Learning a little by a little, engaging as much project as he can, he's working towards his final thesis film as a director in Spring 2019.



On the production set (Axis Mundi)

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Working on an experimental (Oscar's Walk)


Logo designed by Rachel Wern

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